Causes of The American Revolution Research Project
Big Idea: Why was the situation between the colonists and Britain not working?
Projects must include:
- Title and cover.
- Groups will develop a theory as to why the relationship between the colonists and Britain was not working.
- Each group will research 4 causes of the Revolution (2 will be assigned to each group and each group choose 2 others).
- picture w/caption
- brief summary of a cause. (must write draft and edit before publishing.
- must have more than one source information
- source page. (where did you get your information)
- Present book to class.
- Students will take notes on other causes they did not research.
American Revolution Summary

Quick summary of revolution
Events leading to the American Revolution

American Revolution Timeline and links. Click on photo to go to website.
American Revolution Timeline Picture

Click on Timeline to see larger image.

If you want to edit your group page use this user name and password.
User name: [email protected]
password: 111ps197
User name: [email protected]
password: 111ps197
Stamp Act

Info on the Stamp Act
Social Studies for Kids

Multiple resources for the Causes of the American Revolution
Timeline of American Revolution

Use this site to follow the events leading to the American Revolution
PBS game

PBS game Road to Revolution.
Fun game to test your knowledge of the causes of the American Revolution.
Fun game to test your knowledge of the causes of the American Revolution.
More resources for American Revolution

Click on picture